I admit....long time, no update.
Why? Hereditary depression causing apathy and procrastination. I may have lost all of my fans, but only one way to find out.
Now, let's recap. I haven't posted much in a while, and I am sorry about that. I went to New Orleans on Emergency leave, because my father was doing very poorly. He is doing better and can speak again for the first time in almost a year. Once again, I am very glad that I never started smoking. Next week, my father will be able to eat again.
Now, on to the recent holiday season. Yes, you heard that right. Starting with Rosh Hashana and ending with Simchat Torah, I'd say that we had a great holiday season and a time of great joy, which was rightfully tempered with Ecclesiastes at the end of Sukkot, a sobering and also depressing scroll that can kill the mood in any party, but perfect when the party needs to end. Starting with Rosh Hashana, I began my tanach project where I read the prophetic and writing portions of the tanach that I honestly feel get neglected. I admit the Torah is primary, but the other parts of the tanach get neglected, and they are worth reading, plus the reading is minimal. I have been beta testing my project and I see some errors I made though it may the difference between an artscroll and JPS translation, plus I made some other errors with assigning certain portions. Maybe I should begin the cycle at Simchat Torah as the Haftarah is the beginning of Joshua, which is a perfect way to begin the Nevi'im. The Kethuvim begins with Proverbs, as I like how the chabad space the Pslams out over a month, so why mess with a good thing. I also know that for Yom Kippur the Book of Jonah is perfect for the Nevi'im portion as it is the haftarah for that day anyway. Also, the megillah for those five days is perfetc for assignments in Kethuvim portions
Now, during the 25 days of reading Joshua and Proverbs, I find them an interesting contrast, but the two are good together. Joshua is about the conquest of Canaan to make it Israel. Proverbs is about wisdom and advice. I'd say wisdom is key to a good conqueror, as the conquerors will have to become managers, and wisdom is necessary to curtail the blood lust that can result from Iron Age fighting. I also know that this is simply the order given for the tanach, but it is good if I can draw some insight as well :)
I also admit that I have enjoyed my first time for the High Holidays, though when I heard the shofar blown, the word riccola shouted in the back of my mind, but Hashem has a good sense of humor, so I am not wrong to think that.
Gedalia and Yom Kippur were the first fast days I could do fully as they occurred on the weekend, though my mother visited during Yom Kippur and I wish she didn't, as she expected me to drop plans to spend that whole time with her and wanted me to plan what to do in this sinkhole I call Killeen. Such comes of having a shiksa mom, I guess.
Sukkot was good for many things. One, it was the first pilgrim holiday I could participate in. I was at WLC for Pesach and the field on Shavuot, but here's hoping I can attend both in Iraq. I also spent last Saturday night in the Sukkah, though it took me a while to get to sleep, but I guess that can be chalked up to being in a slightly different environment.
My unit planned a stupid FRG meeting on Shemini Atzeret, and no religious exemption....if my unit FRG gives me a Christmas card, I may angrily rip it up instead of simply shredding it. The following day was spent with household goods pickup, so I missed the day service, but that evening was Simchat Torah and I got to carry the Torah scroll around the Chapel twice. I also had a very nice send off and a touching card from the West Fort Hood congregation, and when I leave Ft Hood I will truly miss them.
BTW, FRG stands for Family Readiness Group, and I am a Bachelor so I have no reason to attend the meetings, though my Commander strong-armed me into giving my mother's information, which I think is very pushy of him as my parents are my business. If I had a wife and a few imps, he could concern himself with that, but he shouldn't try to get involved with parents, except to offer goons to take care of some parents, like Cindy Sheehan.
Labels: family, festivals, fun events, Judaism